Belarusian Congress Of Democratic Trade Unions (BKDP)
Trade Union Association

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Belarusian Congress Of Democratic Trade Unions (BKDP)
Belarusian Independent Union (BNP) Free Metalworkers' Union (SPM)
Belarusian Free Trade Union (SPB) Belarusian trade Union of workers of radio electronic industry (REP)

BKDP-Member of International Trade Unions Confederation (ITUC)


Members of the Belarusian Independent Trade Union of RUPP "Granite" in Mikashevichi are not going to tolerate the reprisals administered by the administration of the company against the leader of the organization Oleg Stakhaevich. They demand reinstatement of Oleg Stakhaevich at work, and if this is not done they will be ready to go on warning strike.

Today, February 20, the workers handed over to the Acting Director of RUPP "Granite" Eduard Gavrilkovich written demands:

- Stop immediately the discrimination on the grounds of trade union affiliation;

- Reinstate without any delay the illegally dismissed O.V. Satakhaevich and L.I. Litvinko;

- Provide promptly a premise (legal address) for the primary organization of Belarusian Independent Trade Union (BNP) at RUPP "Granite" company established in full conformity with the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, legislative acts, the BNP Constitution and international norms.

The workers stated that "the illegal actions of officials (Gavrilkovich E.G, Serookaya M.V, V.S. Gavrilkovich, A.V. Kislyuk, I.V. Dubonosov, M.I. Tchopchits, V.V Kurilovich, S.I. Mikhailov, V.V. Fitenko, A.N. G.V Voitkus, Bloshkin)
discredit honor, dignity and business reputation of RUPP "Granite" company, both inside and outside the country, and may cause sanctions against our enterprises (sale restrictions in foreign markets) and affect socio-economic situation of all workers of RUPP "Granite" company”.

It is stated In the letter passed over to the administration of RUPP "Granite" company by the workers that " if our demands are not fulfilled a warning strike will be organized at RUPP " Granite" company “including a full stop of production and termination of shipments of finished products. The responsibility in such situation will rest with the above officials."

28 workers have put their names under the Demands, but in reality there were many more workers ready to sign them, but they failed to do this due to lack of time and organizational difficulties.

We recall that Oleg Stakhaevich was dismissed on February 16, 2012 with gross violations of the law.


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