Belarusian Congress Of Democratic Trade Unions (BKDP)
Trade Union Association

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Belarusian Congress Of Democratic Trade Unions (BKDP)
Belarusian Independent Union (BNP) Free Metalworkers' Union (SPM)
Belarusian Free Trade Union (SPB) Belarusian trade Union of workers of radio electronic industry (REP)

BKDP-Member of International Trade Unions Confederation (ITUC)


The BKDP leader Alexander Yaroshuk has forwarded a letter to General Secretaries of International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) Guy Ryder and International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco & Allied Workers’ Associations (IUF) Ron Oswald in which he explained the position of BKDP towards the publications on “Salidarnast” web-page where it, in an unacceptable manner, presents its comments on the work of the officers of these two organizations.

Guy Ryder

General Secretary of ITUC

Ron Oswald

General Secretary of IUF

Dear Brothers Guy and Ron,

On behalf of BKDP, the ITUC member-organization, I would like to render my apologies for the publication named “ What do the KGB agents and two international trade union officers have in common?” that appeared on “Salidarnast” web-page ( on April 15. The authors of the publication have permitted themselves to comment in an unacceptable manner on the activities of the director of Moscow ITUC office Andre Mrost and international worker of the IUF central office in Geneva Kiril Buketov and compared their activities with the activity of Belarusian KGB intelligence service. Since one of the co-founders of the “Salidarnast” web-page is the Belarusian Independent Union (BNP), the BKDP affiliate, I want to state that this publication as well as other publications on that web-page have a purpose to damage both the images of ITUC and IUF as well as the leadership of BKDP and can be regarded as a provocation.

It is not at all a secret that the survival and development of the BKDP for the recent years became possible only due to solidarity support provided by the ITUC and from entire international trade union movement including IUF. The colleagues of our organizations Andre Mrost and Kiril Buketov proved to be real friends of independent union movement contributing a lot to its strengthening and development. We do appreciate their efforts and firm positions which are of importance today for BKDP at this very crucial stage of its history.

We clearly realize the threats that such provocations can have for the independent union movement. Therefore I want to assure you, dear colleagues, that the leaders of BKDP and its activists are not going to leave them without noticing them.

In solidarity,

Alexander Yaroshuk

BKDP President


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