More than 570 thousand employees dismissed from flagship enterprises in Belarus over a period of 9 month
The major companies in Belarus are experiencing a net outflow of personnel. In January – September 2021, at large and medium-sized enterprises, 519.1 thousand people were hired and 570.7 thousand people were dismissed.
The outflow of personnel on a net basis amounted to 51.6 thousand employees while in 2020, it reached 36.6 thousand employees over the same period.
If we look at how many people were hired instead of every 100 people dismissed, then the rate has worsened. Last year, the coefficient for 9 months was 93.4%, and in 2021 – only 91%.
A tense situation with the outflow of personnel from the flagships is observed in Minsk. In the capital city, the replacement rate for 9 months amounted to 89.4% – less than in any other region of Belarus. None of the regions of the country had a net influx of personnel to the flagship enterprises. The lowest replacement rate was in the Vitebsk region – 90.3%, the highest rate – in the Gomel region – 92.8%.
Some of employees lost their jobs due to absenteeism and other violations of discipline. For this reason, about 28.4 thousand people lost their jobs over a period of 9 months. The leaders in terms of the number of dismissed people were the agricultural sector (8.5 thousand) and production industry sector (8.6 thousand).
Due to absenteeism and disciplinary violations, people lost their jobs most in the Minsk region (5.7 thousand) and in Minsk (4.5 thousand).
Also, the reason for dismissal was the liquidation of the organization, reduction in the number of employees or staff size: 5.6 thousand employees were dismissed on these grounds.
On a gross basis, the majority of people dismissed over a period of 9 months were in Minsk – 138.3 thousand. As for the regions, the leader in terms of the number of dismissals was the Minsk region – 91.9 thousand. In other regions, the amount of dismissed people varied between 60.6 thousand and 76.8 thousand.
Every fifth person dismissed from the flagship enterprises were employees engaged in the sector of industry (117.8 thousand people). The replacement rate in this sector of the economy was 92.8%. Another 42.5 thousand employees were dismissed from flagship enterprises in the field of construction (replacement rate 80%), 76.5 thousand – in retail trade (89.6%), 82.4 thousand – in education (90.2%), and 38.3 thousand – in health care (94.9%).